Friday, September 25, 2009

I'm confused. I'm hurt. I'm stressed. I'm angry. I have small moments of happiness, but not enough to qualify as happy. I'm on the negative side of life.

Starting today, nobody remains in my life who does not respect and love me. People who constantly bring me down are gone. Everybody is on their last chance. This is it. I'm at the end of my rope. I have negative feelings constantly, and that is not me. This means that I am being negative based on actions of others. If I cut out those actions, the negative should go with it.

Caitlin: STOP!!! You know it hurts me when you say bad things about him. Constantly questioning me is pushing me away from you. I don't tell you everything anymore. I haven't for a very long time. Live your own damn life and leave mine alone. I will make decisions based on what I want. I'm allowed to fall down and pick myself up again. I'm allowed to. That is how I will learn and maybe this is my path. Maybe it's not. But it is MY RIGHT to try and see what happens.

Mom: I'm not your bitch. I live in the hole in the basement, use a grand total of four rooms in this house. And they are all clean. Please stop requiring that your entire house is spotless when you come home. I don't use them. If they are dirty, it is because you, your husband or your child did it. You should have them clean up their mess. Also, NO you don't have to know where I am at every moment of the day. I'm 24 years old. Did your mom know where you were then? NOPE! I'm not a teenager, stop treating me as such.

Tom: Just love me. Do things to make me happy, not sad. Treat me like your equal, not your enemy. I'm here for you, but you aren't letting me. Open yourself up and see what happens. I'm not the enemy. I'm supposed to be your partner. So stop treating me like I'm a child. I'm a big girl, I can handle a couple bad things here and there. Treat me like you want to be treated, with love and respect.

Body: Start cooperating with me.

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