Sunday, June 25, 2006

New Week, New Lessons

Another week has gone by, and it feels like I'm overwhelmed by my committments. Work, school, baseball, family.. there is no order as to what comes first, they all used to just fall into place. Now I can't seem to find enough hours in the day to do everything.. and you know what is lacking, myself. I'm not exagerating. I have not had the time to even shave in the past 2 weeks. I have not got my hair cut since February. I look like a mess, I feel unhealthy, and my room is in need of serious cleaning.

As the majority of you know, My grandmother passed away a week ago yesterday and my world has been turned upside down since. I was thrust into a spinning whirl pool of family and friends mourning, funeral arangements and burial procedures. I spent all day Monday staring at my Grandmothers lifeless body praying that she would move and this would all be over. She looked beautiful, but like a wax figure. Her usually warm hands were cold and clammy, it was not a plesant experience. I only took 2 days off work because I'm so busy as it is and my tournament would suffer if I took more than that off.

Speaking of which, my golf tournament is on Wednesday and I'm so scared. I managed to recruit 3 girlfriends to be volunteers at the holes. That should go really well! Business men love young pretty ladies!! And let me tell you, these girls are the creme of the crop! I just feel a lot better knowing that people I trust are working for me, because I know the job will be done right.

My ball team is doing horribly. We're getting mercied at almost every game. Either we win or we lose horribly. We have so many injuries on the team that we're in danger of folding. This sucks. It's so hard to maintain a positive attitude when we're getting our asses kicked because we don't have enough girls to field a team or because half the girls on the field are hurt. It's getting to the point where I just don't want to play anymore. It's really not worth the pain and aggrivation. And we've officially pulled out of the London Tournament because only 6 girls can go. So on the good side, I guess I get another weekend to party!

I'm so excited for this weekend! O-dot here we come! Bikini's, babes, hot guys, lots of food and good drinks, good company and a wicked pool. Canada Day weekend just does not get any better than that! Oakville beware.. the loo crew is comin to town!

1 comment:

MsPatricia said...

Don't worry, the golf tournament will go well.
And then you get to drink all day Saturday by the pool!