Beautiful Beautiful Alberta
The things I do for my family... Friday morning, 4am to be exact, my father and I left Barrie for the Toronto Airport. We were on our way to Alberta to celebrate my cousin Chelsea marrying one of the greatest men I've ever met. I met Clay 3 years ago when I flew out to Alberta for my Nannie's funeral. He put up with the family, which by any means is not an easy task. He comforted all of the cousins even though he had just met us the day before. And he took me, an inexperienced 18year old out drinking with Rebecca, Chelsea, Rochelle and her boyfriend Steve. Well they succeeded in their mission of drowning our misery in vats of alcohol, and I succeeded in throwing it all back up multiple times, above 3 different provinces. That was the plane ride from hell. Rebecca and I finally made it back to our hotel around 4am. We giggled the entire way up the stairs, which I'm sure took us an hour to climb. I didn't have a key so we had to wake my parents up to let me in. I went to the bathroom to throwup again, and when I came out, my whole family was packing. It was 5am.
"Time to go Kel" my dad said, "The plane leaves in 3 hours"
For gods sake.. this must be some sick joke!

Needless to say, that was the plane ride from hell. Anyways, back to the real story.
So my father and I were headed out to Alberta, and I don't travel well.. So once again I found myself throwing up somewhere over Manitoba, but this time it wasn't from too much alcohol. I slept the entire 4 hour car ride from Edmonton to Jasper and woke up in time to point to a sign and tell my Dad we were here. He was not impressed. The cabins we were in were beautiful, this was mine, lucky number 13.
It was raining on friday, we had a BBQ at the chalet with the family and Chelsea and Clay's friends. That was fun except that my family is so bitter towards eachother. My Auts and Uncles hate eachother so much that they try to corner each others children to get information out of them. I don't do well with this so I left early claiming "I was too tired"

Chelsea has never looked more beautiful. I was so proud of her. She made me cry just looking at her. She had on the most gorgeous dress I've ever seen. It is almost identical to what I have

The whole weekend was a great get-away, but all that traveling made me very exauted. It's hard doing 24 hours of driving/flying in a 48 hour time span. It hardly leaves any time for sleep.

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