These are a few of my Favourite Places

Everybody has "their spot". That one place on earth where the feel so comfortable. That place where they can sit staring out over whatever it is, thinking about whatever is bothering them and know that everything at that exact moment is as it should be. Fortunately for me, I have 2 places like that. The first place is on the boardwalk in Port Elgin. By day this place is full of families playing on the beach, or as you can see, jumping off the break wall. Those lucky kids in that picture are my brothers and my cousin Jenny.
As soon as the sun starts to set, the sweaters come on and the lovers come out. Port Elgin has the most beautiful sunset. A couple years ago it was even in the Guiness Book of World

Records for it's Sunset. This picture is of my brother this past summer. Everywhere you look, you can see couples holding hands walking around admiring the beauty. All of this is great, but my favorite part about the break wall is going out at sunset, sitting on a massive rock, watching the sun go down and watching the stars come out. The break wall is practicallydeserted after sunset, and it is the most serene place. You can hear the waves crashing up against the rocks, and you get the occasional spray of water on your face. On the clearest nights, you can see stars that seem to go on forever.
I have done the deepest soul searching out on those rocks. I've decided what I want to do with my life, what kind of man I want to be with, and I have even day dreamt about how my life is going to turn out. I have also had the most intimate conversations out there. I've talked to my cousins about their upcoming weddings, my brothers about life in general and basically anything that needs to be said. It is a safe place, a place where nobody can touch you. What happens and what is said out on the rocks stays out on the rocks.
The second spot is also on a beach, but the beach in Barrie. Many nights in the summer have been spent down there walking a dog, or rollerblading with a friend. I remember one night last summer

where I went down there with a friend right after my ball game, cleats and all, and walked for an hour just talking about life. There is something for everybody there. A playground for the children during the day, and the teenagers at night. Art work surrounding the beaches, such as the piece in the picture to the right. There is a beach, gardens, a marina, and lifeguard chairs (which are so much fun to climb after the bar on a Saturday night).

I've had many firsts on that beach. I've been on a date, seen the sun set over the city on Johnson's beach, and watched the children play at the park and countless picnics.
This past summer was full of downtown adventures on the beach. Mel, Britt and I spent an afternoon there sunbathing and playing Frisbee. And that infamous night when Neil, Britt, Dan and I went down after the bar and for some reason Dan thought it was a good idea to go skinny-dipping. There were also the numerous nights spent on Marks boat just chilling in the marina, and Canada Day fireworks with Andrew, Alana and Britt. So those are my spots. I can't wait to get back to them and get centered again. Maybe this weekend I'll go for a walk when I'm home.
Ok first off, the comment that was deleted was mine. It posted before I was finished typing and so I deleted it.
As for your spots though, they remind me alot of my spot back home. It's a path that runs along the creek by my house through a forest. Every day I run there in the summer. It gives me the perfect opportunity to get away from life and just be. Periodically you see families walking through the trail but only rarely. But my favourite part about my trail is the log that crosses the creek. It's big and wide and I always take a break there to gather my thoughts. It's so cool and refreshing there, it's my perfect place.
It's so nice to hear that someone else has a place of their own. I hope you had the chance to go visit them, I know I miss mine.
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